Scope of AgriJob Booster Benin project
AgriJob Booster Benin (AJB Benin) project promotes employment and entrepreneurship for young people. With the financial support of the European Union, AJB Benin was implemented from 2020 to 2022 in five (5) municipalities (Parakou, Tchaourou, N’Dali, Bembéréké and Sinendé) in the department of Borgou (Benin Republic) by a consortium of three organizations : Woord en Daad (Netherlands), DEDRAS (Benin) and PBSA (Benin). The final evaluation of the AJB aimed to analyse to assess the coherence, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of the project and formulate recommendations for evidence-based decision making.
Methodology of AgriJob Booster Benin project
Armel Oguniyi, Founder at ar-mel directed the assignment as the lead researcher. For this evaluation, we mixed two methods of research (quantitative and qualitative. Data collection has been completed in the five (5) municipalities. The methodology incorporated a participatory approach to ensure that all project stakeholders were involved in guaranteeing the results expected from the evaluation.
Outcomes of AgriJob Booster Benin project
The final evaluation of the project highlighted the positive impact on the lives of the young entrepreneurs, particularly those of the young self-employed women interviewed, who stated that AJB-Benin’s support had enabled them to continue living decently. Moreover, recommendations were made to the consortium and the communes to improve their interventions for young people.