ar-mel (action research, monitoring evaluation and learning) is a think-tank that supports NGOs, governments and UN agencies evidence-based decision making.

Mid-term evaluation in Benin






Year 2 evaluation in Benin


Young Employment – Culture – Tourism - Gender

Scope of Mid-term evaluation in Benin

Based on a logic of targeted training-action and production, the project aims to strengthen the professional integration of young people in the promising sectors of digital technologies, and the promotion of culture, patrimony and tourism. Ultimately, the young people trained as part of this large-scale project, which will have an impact on the southern region of the country, will form a network of multi-skilled guides diversification of Benin’s tour offerings. At the end of year 2 of the project’s implementation, the annual evaluation was commissioned to enrich knowledge and make information to improve the continuation of the intervention. The project was implemented in the commune of Porto-Novo, Ouémé department, Republic of Benin.

Methodology of Mid-term evaluation in Benin

The research methodology used is a mixed one (quantitative and qualitative), enabling knowledge to be generated to meet the expectations of the project’s various stakeholders, and implemented using an inclusive, gender-sensitive approach based on conflict dynamics. In addition, to meet the relevant evaluation requirements, the analysis was based on the OECD/DAC evaluation criteria. Data collection took place in the commune of Porto-Novo, the project’s intervention zone. Armel Oguniyi, Senior Evaluator and Founder at ar-mel directed the assignment as the Lead Consultant.

Outcomes of Mid-term evaluation in Benin

 The evaluation revealed the project’s relevance, in line with national guidelines for the employability of Benin’s young people. In a spirit of empowerment, beneficiaries were helped to become agents of change within their communities. Thanks to the proximity organizational structure put in place, the objectives set for the year were achieved despite external threats. Recommendations were made to ensure the sustainability of the action and its impact on the lives of the young beneficiaries.

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