Scope of the multi-country program final evaluation
ChildFund Alliance is a global network of 12 child rights organizations operating in more than 70 countries around the world. Its main objective is to improve humanity by supporting children living in extreme poverty in developing countries. The multi-country program final evaluation focused on documenting project outcomes at the global, national as well as local levels. Therefore, for this final evaluation, we draw evidence from all the 10 implementing countries. Those countries included Burkina Faso, El Salvador, India, Mexico, Nepal, Paraguay, South Korea, Tanzania, Ghana and finaly Uganda. Moreover, this end of project evaluation focused on themes such as : Child Protection, Child Rights, Child Participation as well as Accountability.
Methodology of the multi-country program final evaluation
Armel Oguniyi Founder at ar-mel, joined the seasoned experts of the International Institute for Child Right and Development (IICRD) for the assignment. The team implemented child-centered tools designed to be highly participatory, engaging, and child rights-based for the final evaluation. Qualitative tools included KIIs, FGDs, River of Life and Most Significant Change activities. Quantitative MEL approaches drawn from state of the art, population-based research. Case study examples in India, Paraguay and Uganda provide detailed quantitative and qualitative evidence for the evaluation. In addition, in keeping with the child protection, systems focus, an ecological, social systems lens underpinned the final evaluation process.
Outcomes of the multi-country program final evaluation
This multi-country final evaluation provided insightful results achieved both at country and global levels. Key opportunities for moving forward highlighted by the final evaluation, included sustainability opportunities, involvement of out-of-school and at risk children. Moreover, the final evaluation provided practical insights for children’s involvement in implementation, monitoring, evaluating and learning from activities. The evaluation also provided recommendations to Strengthen CFA’s Community-Based CP programming, scaling as well as improving the existing Child-Centred MEL.